Thursday, January 03, 2008

Gadget Bag Packing, two days to go til Vegas

OK, I'm still testing everything here, making sure I don't take more than I need.

Last time I went to Vegas I had a massive suitcase full of crap I didn't need.

This time I.m just taking hand luggage. No big case for me.

Heck I travelled the world with nothing more than a rucksack, what the hell is wrong with me lately, I pack everything I need and more.

I've had enough, this time I'm going light.

One bag, barely full.

What have a decided on thus far?, thanks for asking, I'll tell you.

My MacBook, Pentax Optio S5i (getting on a bit, but works a treat), Kaiser, AV500 (well I love my movies), Fenix P2D 100 & L0D 80, Jeans x 2, T-shirts x 3, Jacket, Boots, Socks x 3, Boxers x 3, Spare Glasses & Contacts (disposable), Memory cards, Reader, Charger, Powermonkey, travel adapter, tolietries (toothbrush, paste and smelly stuff) & a good book (preferably a lightweight paperback.

Looks a lot written down, Im sure it will be fine...


I know I'll come back with more though!

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Anonymous said...

Doc, you haven't told us what kind of bag it is you are taking. There are many of us sat here in my office wondering just this.

So please, help out the poor people in CID. Be it with just photos, or even a link.

Anonymous said...

Doc, all we want to know is what KIND of bag you packed all this junk, sorry I mean stuff into...Pics would be great